Friday, February 22, 2008

Only a few seats left in our workshop

Our workshop is going to be great! This is not going to be a classroom of lecturing it is going to be hands-on shooting with models. So when you leave this workshop you will have a great understanding of lighting and creative composition but all have images from the shoot that you can put on your website or in your portfolio. All of the models will be signing model releases for the students. We still have a couple seats left so come join us for a great time and come prepared to learn a lot. $499 investment / two full days on March 14th and 15th.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Then there was three

We all have been waiting for Charlie to arrive and to everyone's surprise he decided to come two weeks early. Congratulations Jennifer and Joey! Charlie is such a blessing and he will is bound to sleep through the night very soon!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Girls like to have fun

When Kelly Jo called me wanting to set up a surprise photo shoot for her North Point small group of middle school girls I was very excited about doing some cool shots but had my fingers crossed for good weather. Well mother nature was very good to us and we got to go outside and have fun. I just wanted them to be themselves and have fun that is why I did not want to do a series of inside studio shots. The girls were great and I think they had a great time.